Accelerate your organisation

Constantly improve your customer experience and operations every day with askinsight; analytics and data insights that you can instantly take action on.


Get actionable insights from across your organisation

​​Track your business-critical workflows in a dashboard that’s loaded with precise, real-time data to enable you to gain insights, identify trends and get a clear understanding of how well your organisation is delivering for your customers.

Your dashboard offers a clear view of your team performance, ongoing tasks, and more - giving you the tools to improve the way that you do business as well as a full-audit history of activity for compliance.

askinsight on tablet
multichannel insight analytics

Unlock an open and growing ecosystem

Our platform is API centric, meaning it’s entirely open and we will never charge you to access your own data. We have a growing ecosystem of integrations, however we make it super easy for you to integrate with your existing systems with our well documented API.

This means that you can also connect our platform with your assets through integrated IoT Gateways to enable sensing, analytics and giving you the ability to seamlessly trigger automated actions as parts of workflows.

Use insights to improve your customer service

Discover deeper issues and task trends so you can improve your services. Example metrics:
A breakdown of tasks and activities
Average time that it takes for the tasks to close
The percentage of tasks that are closed and the reasons
Breakdown of tasks currently open by urgency
Rating of the conversations and activities
Get in touch to find out more...

Are you ready to deliver amazing customer experiences and transform the way you deliver services?

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